My son and I completed the 200+ km version of the Camino de Santiago in Spain, departing from Ponferrada and continuing on to the majestic Cathedral in Santiago de Compostela.

The experience was all I had hoped for. And more. There were also a number of unexpected benefits to walking 127 or so miles (officially, many more unofficially), sometimes with my son, sometimes with new friends, often alone.

These images are a smattering, an appetizer sampling only. I captured nearly a thousand photos along The Way and I will require time and perspective to properly curate all of them. It's clear to me that I'll need to be intentional about the theme for whatever Camino collection I decide to gather up. Some of the images are of the faces and stories of those I met. Some are of the natural beauty of the landscape. Some are of the path itself, which was the one constant throughout. And some are of the feelings I had, which were quite varied.

This collection is a bit of all of the above.

If you are a bucket list type person, and are able, I recommend putting the Camino de Santiago on yours.

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